Helicopter tour to Kuril Lake, Ksudach Volcano, Khodutkinskie Hot Springs (6 hours)

Helicopter tour to Kuril Lake, Ksudach Volcano, Khodutkinskie Hot Springs (6 hours)

Kurile Lake is located in the southern part of the peninsula on the territory of the South Kamchatka Reserve. The lake itself is a caldera, is of volcanic origin, and is included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.

Kuril crater lake was born by a powerful volcanic explosion.
Fed with melted snow and rain water, surrounded by volcanoes, Kuril Lake instantly enamors photographers, film operators, and painters.
Ilinsky is a young active stratovolcano 1,600 meters high. In times past, its lava flows drained into the lake, creating picturesque coves. In quiet weather, the mountain is reflected in the lake’s smooth surface like in a huge mirror, occupying 77 km2. Its maximum depth is 316 meters. Kuril hot springs
steam in Teplaya or Warm Bay among lava rocks. There is a well­known legend about the rocky heart­shaped island, called Alaid’s Heart. Another legend tells about the majestic monument of nature – Kutkhiny Baty.

The largest population of sockeye salmon in Eurasia spawns in Kuril Lake. The optimal number of spawners for a viable population is between 1.5 and 3.5 millions fish. In some years, as many as six million fish come here to spawn, as was in the year 1990. Sockeye spawning lasts from July to March. 71% of the spawning grounds are in the lake, 26% are riverine and 3% are in brooks. A KamchatNIRO Research Statioin is located at the outlet of the lake.

The lasting abundance of sockeye is one of the most important characteristics of this natural ecosystem. To feed on the abundance, over 200 bears come here at the end of the summer. This is the best place for observing these beautiful animals. Foxes and otters also come here to feed on salmon.

6 hours
18-20 persons
70 000 roubles/pax

Program of the tour:

1. Transfer to the Helicopter airport from hotel.

2. Departure by helicopter to the Yuzhno-Kamchatsky preserve (1 hour 20 min)

3. Landing at Kuril Lake. Excursion with a guide, boat excursion (1 hour 30 min)
4. Lunch.

5. Flight (30 min.) to Ksudach Volcano, landing at Kluchevoye Lake. Walking excursion (20 min.) , watching "hot" beach.

Ksudach Volcano is a shield volcano with 1079 m height and the bottom diameter of 35 km. In the result of the central part depressing the prolonged 7x9 km caldera was formed. The external slopes are very low-angle, the internal slopes are steep. The bottom of the caldera is two-leveled and is divided into two almost equal parts. The west part and the east part which is 100-200 m lower than the west one. The west part is bent to the caldera centre and is cut by gullies, the east part is covered by lakes.
6. Flight (10 min.) The final step of our program is soaking in thermal waters located at the foot of Khodutka volcano. These waters are heated to 40 degrees Celsius by volcanic activities of the Earth and enriched with different microelements washed from Earth interior. We will have a chance to swim in the Khodutkinsky thermal springs.

Khodutkinskiye Hot Springs are located in Pravaya Khodutka River valley, 4 km to the north west of volcanoes Khodutka and Priyomich. They belong to the South Kamchatka Nature Park included in the UNESCO World Cultural and Natural Heritage List. They are made up of many springs forming a vast lake and the Goryachaya River (Hot River). Stretching on 1km, it is 15 to 20 meters wide and 1.5 meters deep. Its rate of low is 115L/s. The water’s temperature reached 49°c uphill. However when it flows into Pravaya Khodutka River it is only 37°C.

7. End of the tour, flight to the airport.

8. Transfer to the hotel.
Tour price includes:

  • Helicopter ride;
  • Services of an experienced guide;
  • Transfer from the "Petropavlovsk" hotel to the heliport;
  • Interpreter services (English);
  • Guided tour;
  • Meal;
  • A pass to the reserve grounds;
  • Accident insurance.

Bear at Kuril Lake
Recommended clothing/equipment:
  • Wind jacket, hat or cap;
  • Swimming accessories (e.g swim suit, shorts, towel);
  • Sunglasses;
  • Camera/video camera
Additional information:
* Helicopter tour is weather dependant. Day and time are subjects to change.
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